Want To Write About TV? Do It For Us

Don't just watch TV, write about it (and get paid).

By James Hunt /

Do you go crazy over Game of Thrones? Know you Michonnes from your Heisenbergs? Binge-watch your favourite show so you're the first to know everything before the world catches up? Well, we want to pay you for that. If you're the kind of person who always 'plays next episode' on Netflix, enjoys spotting obscure Easter eggs, loves obsessing over fan theories or always predicts what should happen in the next episode of your favourite show, then we want to hear from you. Any idea can be presented in a fun entertaining way, and we want to get it out there. We don't do reviews as such (there are thousands of sites where you can find them already), as we're more interested in the conversations fans have afterwards: the lingering questions, the big moments, things it got right (or wrong), what should've happened, and more. We want to continue creating a community of passionate TV fans who look for unique ways of celebrating and discussing every aspect of their favourite shows, actors, genres - anything you can think of. All of our contributors earn £0.40 per 1000 views, converted into local currency through Paypal. Many top quality articles reach into the tens of thousands, and there€™s no limit on how many submissions you can make. There's also a constantly updated list of topics if you€™re looking to take something that we think will do well, rather than pitch yourself. If this sounds like the kind of work you would be interested in, or you have any questions at all, please email James Hunt, TV Editor at james.hunt@whatculture.com or fill out our application form.