10 Absolute Wrestling FREAKS! ?

The biggest, best and WEIRDEST individuals in wrestling history, Freaks, of sorts.

By Michael Hamflett /

Wrestling freaks go HARD.


Historically, "freak show" was the deeply unkind and discriminatory term for carnival/fairground sideshow acts "featuring" people with various biological rarities, impairments or disabilities. The general public was encouraged, for a fee, to pay just to get up close to fellow human beings and stare at them.

It's gross, but it's yet another example of the way in which professional wrestling is great - the brutally cruel practice thankfully condemned to the past...is something babyfaced, encouraged and endorsed in the bizarre present day that wrestling portrays. All are welcome, and though creatively most shows exist years in a time-warp behind actual pop culture, locker rooms themselves have often been more accommodating of those considered waifs, strays and "freaks" by those in polite society.

Wrestling's a rewarding venture for these sorts - the type that speak in riddles and look like cartoons come to life are the ones that thrive in a universe seemingly built for them. The bigger, dafter and freakier you are, the more chance you stand of making it in the industry. If you can run the ropes and throw an effective worked punch, even better, but it's honestly not a pre-requisite...

10. Sid

Vicious, Justice, Pyscho, Sycho. He is all these things. He is Sid.


Stone Cold Steve Austin found the sweet spot on a bedpan, but Sid found it in a barber shop. The talc-covered specimen above was such a freak that he managed to smash a window with a steel chair in just the right spot to flick a talcum powder container right in his face. Then, with half the product stuck fast to his face, he still cut one of the scariest promos of all time. Even scarier for how he no-sold the chaos around him, actually.

When he wasn't getting to Hulk Hogan via hair products, he was pulling weird faces behind the Madison Square Garden curtain, beating up friends and family members of his biggest rivals, hilariously over-selling the damage done to rental cars, and exploding into smaller territories with such force that he looked like Godzilla and King Kong to the poor defenceless souls in his path.

That his punches in particular looked weak only added to the aesthetic - not once did anybody question that this freak may kill you, even after watching him work. Sid remains the master and the ruler of the world, we remain just trying to live in it.
