10 Awesome WWE Elimination Chamber Moments

Seeing Dean Ambrose leave with the WWE Title was very cool...

By Jamie Kennedy /

Even the most ardent WWE fan must admit that there are so many big events flying around that it's hard to keep pace. It seems like the company are wheeling out a 'Pay-Per-View'-like show every few weeks nowadays, which doesn't really give each one any real time to live long in the memory - after all, when fans know there's another just round the corner, each event is pretty much forgotten about by the time Monday Night Raw starts the following night. In fairness, this doesn't necessarily mean that there's not enjoyment to be had by tuning into each show, because as Elimination Chamber once again proved, there is. Contrary to popular belief, WWE have a very accomplished roster at their disposal just now, one which has been suitably beefed out by a number of imports taking the step up from NXT. Sure, the star power may not be what it once was, but few grappling fans can argue with the current talent pool, certainly from the perspective that these men and women are putting on very watchable matches time and time again. With that in mind, there were many awesome moments throughout Elimination Chamber, but what ones were the best?
