10 Bad-Ass ECW Gimmicks Wasted On Terrible Wrestlers

Credit goes to Paul Heyman for getting the best out of these guys.

By Aaron Hyden /

ECW. The mere mention of it brings out strong memories and emotions in all wrestling fans. Some of them are positive, while others aren't exactly all that great. The original company has been out of business for a little over 13 years now, but fans and haters alike remain as intense as ever with their feelings towards what Paul Heyman and Tod Gordon presented to the wrestling world. In another edition of a continuing series, this article will take a look back at the original ECW and discuss ten of the better gimmicks that the company featured, but as always, there is a catch to these proceedings. These ten gimmicks may have been something special, but they were given to people who simply weren't all that good in the ring. Maybe they made it work, anyway, and maybe they didn't, but the fact of the matter is that it makes you wonder what would have happened if the gimmicks were given to much more capable in-ring performers. A quick reminder that this article is only talking about the original ECW, and not the relaunched version run by Vince McMahon and WWE, nor any of the variations that we've seen popping up in TNA through the years. Let's get on with the show.