10 Best British Wrestlers Ever

By Aaron Bower /

Growing up as a wrestling fan in the United Kingdom, it was pretty easy to identify the people who you cheered for more than anyone else. Sure, the likes of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin rank pretty highly on anyone's list of favourite wrestlers, but for British wrestling fans, the adulation of their own ranked above anything else. When a British wrestler achieves glory in professional wrestling, the patriotism levels rise to obscenely huge heights, and the pride that one of our 'own' is representing the country in style makes it a moment worth remembering. And down the years, there have been plenty of wrestlers who have lit up squared circles all across the world with their unique brand of wrestling - and a style that is completely different to anything North Americans will have been brought up with. With the likes of Paige just starting to make an impact in the WWE as the Divas Champion, there is almost a new breed of British stars coming through the ranks, ensuring this small island is very well represented on the global wrestling map. The United States, Canada and Mexico are often revered as the three hotbeds of professional wrestling, but that doesn't mean that Britain should be forgotten. Some of the most iconic stars in recent years have come from these shores, and have made wrestling a hugely entertaining place.