10 Best Things The Internet Has Done With WWE Raw (7 Sept)

Cena, Rusev, Sting...nobody was safe on Monday night.

By Jack G King /

The appearance of Edge and Christian made nostalgia a key theme of Raw this past Monday night, especially when they ran into the Dudley Boyz backstage. The two legendary tag teams enjoyed some friendly banter while intimidating the heel alliance of the New Day and WWE Champion Seth Rollins, infusing the show with a warm, fuzzy reminder of times gone by. Was this enough to quell the internet's constant thirst for ridicule, sarcasm, and meme-based cruelty? No. Not even close. For all the Attitude Era nostalgia present on Raw, the dominant mood was still one of dissatisfaction. This week saw a pretty poorly booked show, and there's no sharper tongue than that of a disgruntled wrestling fan - as these tweets, memes and Facebook posts prove. One or two wrestlers even got involved too! Here are the ten best things the internet did with Monday Night Raw this week.

10. Mystery Tag Partner?

https://twitter.com/Wrestling_Memes/status/641203677131317248 Seth Rollins was everywhere on Raw, popping up in various backstage segments, in-ring promos, and two matches. Sure, he was mainly getting pummelled, intimidated, or otherwise humiliated, but one can't question his commitment or stamina. The fact that Rollins was ever-present meant that he made a fair few visits to the ring - three entrances in total - and one fan got a little sick of his spotlight-hogging towards the end of the show. Fortunately he didn't cause too much trouble, merely walking down to the ring alongside Seth before allowing himself to be escorted away by security. Although we can't condone crowd members jumping the rail, this particular incident did give us Rollins' hilariously baffled reaction.
