10 Best Wrestlers Who Never Held The ROH World Title

Many prestigious names missed out on this prestigious championship.

By John Bills /


Ring of Honor celebrated its 15th anniversary with a pay-per-view in Las Vegas last night, a show that saw Christopher Daniels finally ascend to the top of the ROH mountain when The Fallen Angel defeated Adam Cole for the ROH World Championship. That title was established way back in July 2002 when Low Ki outlasted Spanky (Brian Kendrick), Doug Williams and Daniels in a 60-man Iron Match to become the inaugural champion.


Some of the greatest names in the modern history of the sport have held the ROH World Championship in the 15 years since. Bryan Danielson, CM Punk, Tyler Black (Seth Rollins) and Kevin Steen all held the ROH World Championship before going on to win world titles in WWE, and the top ROH strap has also been held by Samoa Joe, Austin Aries and Jay Lethal.

But what of the greats who never managed to win the title? There are a number of men who are vital to the 15-year history of Ring of Honor yet never managed to make it to the top of the mountain, men who are synonymous with the company yet never had a run as the true face of the promotion.


Some of these 10 individuals may yet have the opportunity to right this wrong, but for many of them the chance to call themselves 'Ring of Honor World Champion' has gone.