10 Best Wrestling Matches In Non-Wrestling Movies

Spandex & suplexes from the world of the silver screen.

By Matthew Allen /

In the grand scheme of things, professional wrestling is a niche market. A select few can appreciate and enjoy the leaps in logic and bizarre reality that it exists within.


But this is not to say it's always been that way.

The 80's wrestling boom and the Attitude Era pushed the sport into the cultural mainstream, and it's desperately tried to stay there throughout all the difficult times. And one of those ways has been a steady presence in the world of movies. Wrestling films have been hit-and-miss, but films like The Wrestler and Fighting With My Family have given the general public an in-depth, entertaining and sometimes emotional look into this unique sport that we enjoy.

On the flip of that though have been the general films that sneak wrestling in. This time, we're not talking about guys like The Rock who bust out the Rock Bottom in a film. The following are full-blown wrestling matches that have made it into a film where the sport isn't the main focus, professional or amateur.

Us wrestling fans will appreciate these little easter eggs because the more members of the general public who are exposed to our chosen brand of sports entertainment, the longer it'll be around...

10. Danny Zuko Vs. Andy - Grease

Grease is a classic musical with some of the catchiest musical numbers of all time. It has also aged horribly watching it back today, with disturbing lyrics like "did she put up a fight" when talking about wooing an innocent Australian girl, said girl changing her entire appearance and demeanour to appease the one that she wants, and the cast clearly in their 30s pretending to be high school students.


During the film Danny, played famously by John Travolta, becomes jealous when his girl Sandy starts seeing a jock. The greaser wants to prove that he can go as well as the other guy by enrolling in extra gym classes, one of which is wrestling.

This scene starts hilariously when Danny's tough-guy swag immediately dissolves when his opponent Andy is shown to be a foot taller than him but takes to the mat anyway for an amateur grapple. Starting in the referee's position, the bout lasts all of 3 seconds when Danny is immediately pinned.

Spurred on by Coach Calhoun, Danny attempts a second round in the dominant position, and gets immediately pinned by Andy again. Defeated, he takes it like a true pro-wrestler; by cheap-shotting his much larger opponent and running away.
