10 Best WWE Moments That Reignited Your Passion For Wrestling

A look at the moments since the turn of the decade that made you remember why you love wrestling!

By David Poyser /

We love wrestling. That's why we watch. That's why we're in the WWE section RIGHT HERE, on WhatCulture.com, right now. Sometimes we forget that fact and need to be reminded. WWE are masters at providing these reminders, just when you need them the most.


As hardcore fans, we are often guilty of over-analysing the product, poking holes in the WWE logic and complaining when our favourites are not getting the opportunities we feel they deserve. We often get disillusioned with the WWE in general, write the whole product off as being garbage and contemplate not watching altogether. If we all took a shot for every time we thought something similar over the last ten years, I imagine none of us would be able to read the rest of this article. But we don't stop watching. That's because, to paraphrase Michael Corleone; just when you thought you were out, they pull you back in.

As Chris Jericho will tell you, wrestling is about moments. You don't often remember whole feuds, whole shows or even whole matches, but rather the moments throughout these things that make them special. WWE know this and keep providing them at just the right time to reignite your passion for wrestling, right when you were ready to give up. It's the perfect formula to make sure you keep tuning in, even throughout the bad times. You can't afford to miss something big!

Here are the 10 best WWE moments (in chronological order) of this decade that reignited your passion for wrestling and kept you coming back for more.

10. 2010 - Nexus Debut

Chaos. Drama. Questions. These are all things that WWE had been sorely lacking throughout the Super-Cena phase after the switch to PG in 2008. Fans were beginning to lose hope. How long had it been since ANYTHING interesting had happened? Enter Nexus. Their debut was nothing like we'd seen for a long time.


Destroying the ring and ringside, beating up the announcers, attacking Cena. If we ignore the fact that these actions got Daniel Bryan fired, him choking out Justin Roberts with his own tie and spitting in the face that runs the place were also two standout moments that really gave this debut some punch and attitude.

Nexus' debut was the first cool thing to happen on WWE television in years and nobody could stop talking about it. We couldn't wait to see what happened next and were tuning in on a weekly basis, dying to get our fix of this angle. Daniel Bryan being fired added a whole new dimension to this too, with a great many people believing that it was all a work and John Cena himself even signing a petition to get Bryan re-hired.

WWE seemed to play to the internet to perfection here... At least until they reverted back to the status quo, having Cena take a beating only to beat the last few members of Nexus on his own at Summerslam. Another hot angle wasted, something WWE are known for, which is why this list is mostly comprised of brief moments.
