10 Best WWE Talkers Since 2010

Which WWE Superstars could talk 'em into the building during this decade?

By Matt Davis /

In WWE, you need to be able to walk the walk and, sometimes more importantly, talk the talk.


The sports-entertainment industry is chock-full of young athletes that can perform breathtaking feats of athleticism inside a 20' x 20' squared circle on a nightly basis.

Since 2010, the WWE Universe has been treated to some of these bright spots in the form of Daniel Bryan, Adrian Neville, and Finn Balor, to name just a few. Workrate is important, but it's not the only thing and, some might argue, not even the most important.

Taking nothing away from the talents and abilities of the many gifted super athletes, but to make it in the Land of McMahon, you better know how to use a microphone effectively. 

Promo skills are a must have in the world of WWE. Take a look at any major superstar over the past twenty years and you will see they all share at least one trait, and that is their ability to cut a promo. 

From Piper to Austin and Hogan to Rock, the greatest talkers had fans hinging on every word that was spoken. The most elite promos talked fans into buildings. 

While much has changed in the world of sports-entertainment over the past couple decades, the gift of gab has not. So, in this current decade, which 10 superstars were able to best captivate an audience by simply using a mic?

10. The Miz

Believe it or not, it's been over six years since The Miz main-evented WrestleMania...and won. While his career has yet to reach the heights it did in 2011, The Miz has been a consistent player when it comes to mic skills.


Whether it was during his run with the Money In The Bank briefcase, the WWE Championship, his multiple Intercontinental Championships, or just as a snarky heel, The Miz has always been able to get a reaction from the crowd.

More often than not, his choice of words and elitist attitude have generated some of the loudest crowd reactions and made for the best interview segments of the entire WWE show.

Fans love to hate The Miz and his big mouth has a lot to do with that.

WWE capitalized on this talent by presenting Miz with his own talk-show segment, Miz TV, in 2012.

Recently, The Miz has finally been given the credit he deserves by even the most ardent of WWE critics but, make no mistake, he's always been a top-tier-talker.
