10 Commandments For The Future Of WWE

Thou shall not...

By Marcus K. Dowling /

It's time that we seriously consider where WWE is headed as a product. The unfortunate situation with Hulk Hogan serves as a great point for WWE to divorce itself from the past and embrace what the future holds. They employ all of the right people and have all of the tools in place to actively push the evolution of their product faster than ever before. In the spirit of these times, there needs to be an actual laying out of what the foundation of this era will be. Like, what are the ten standout ideas, policies, beliefs and principles that will guide WWE to righting the ship and embracing yet another era of groundbreaking success. From embracing certain legends, forgetting certain others and as well accepting certain stylistic changes in both in-ring presentation and wrestling style, the company is perched on the cusp of incredible times. If we were to think like Moses coming down from the mountain carrying stone tablets that accurately described commandments from wrestling heaven about where WWE should be headed as the industry leader, what would they say? Here are the answers...