10 Costly Mistakes That DOOMED Great Wrestling Feuds

If only they kept that Universal Championship on KO before WrestleMania 33, eh.

By Gareth Morgan /

Even those wrestling feuds that appear to have everything going for them are only ever one dumb, frustrating, or ridiculous moment or decision away from total disaster.


Two performers could have worked their damn asses off to sell folks on the genuine hatred shared between the pair, or a wonderfully detailed story could have been patiently executed over months or even years, but all of that effort and excitement can quickly evaporate if certain mistakes are not avoided.

And when it comes to each and every one of these once-promising rivalries, painful, silly, or easily avoidable errors were sadly not.

Perhaps there's a world out there where top Elite stars didn't decide they'd had enough on the weekend one of the hottest feuds in the business was set to reach its climax. Maybe there's one that also contains a version of two undoubted icons colliding in a program that didn't completely overstay its welcome.

Unfortunately, the one fans reading this article are currently breathing on wasn't so lucky, and everything from forcing an unwanted follow-up, to pushing a character down an utterly absurd new path completely killed these once-great feuds.

10. The Miz Vs. Daniel Bryan - Not Allowing The Bitter Enemies To Really Embrace The Blood Feud

Back in 2018, fans somehow found themselves in a world where the first feud they were desperate to see a returning Daniel Bryan get stuck into didn't involve him challenging for world title gold or booting the crap out of the new faces he hadn't had a chance to on WWE programming yet.


Instead, after an absolutely riveting exchange between the polar opposites on Talking Smack in 2016, folks were champing at the bit to see 'The American Dragon' beat the hell out of a certain 'A-Lister'.

However, when they were finally treated to exactly that in the summer of 2018, it's safe to say the entire thing just didn't live up to the hype generated by that earlier talk show explosion between The Miz and D-Bry.

Things never really sparked into life for the two.

WWE seemingly never saw what could have been a hugely personal war between a guy who once branded the other a "coward" for not making the comeback he'd promised fans and the underdog who refused to play things safe as anything other than a throwaway feud to keep both blokes busy for a few months.

And after years of build-up and anticipation, the hugely underwhelming program - one involving plastic babies and the unnecessary inclusion of their partners - went out with a whimper as Bryan stole a roll-up win in Australia.

What should have been, eh?
