10 Criminally Under-Rated Wrestlers

Maybe it's time for Vince to start practicing what he preaches on podcasts?

By Jamie Kennedy /

When wrestling fans scour the leagues of their beloved profession, the same frustrations continually rear their ugly head. John Cena is still in the same main event position he was a decade ago; WWE are still relying on those same old stars to come back and help pop a monster buyrate for Wrestlemania; and that seemingly ever-present glass ceiling is still prevalent in the company. Vince McMahon can say all he likes that talent need to step up and grab the top spots themselves - and there is an element of truth to that - but the fact is that WWE need to do more in order to create new stars fans can truly get behind and believe in. McMahon's words on the Steve Austin podcast, mainly aimed at Cesaro, angered a lot of fans who feel WWE's management should be protecting their roster, not calling them out publicly. Frustration must be intense at times within the company, but it's not an isolated case: TNA have been guilty many times of disregarding solid talent in favour of WWE's cast-offs, a fact which has hampered, not helped, the promotion. Any argument related to that old chestnut, the glass-ceiling debate, would last for hours, but it's a valid topic. There are many men and women under-rated in wrestling, but some are more criminal than others in regards to how they are constantly over-looked. Wrestling needs new heavy hitters, that much is certain, but who are these under-rated souls, and why are they perceived as such?
