10 Current WWE Stars Who Are Majorly Out Of Shape

Vince may dream of a roster of John Cenas, but that isn't exactly the case...

By Jack G King /


What does a stereotypical WWE superstar look like?It's an unspoken truth that ifVince McMahon had his way, WWE would be entirely populated by bulging 6'7" monsters, eachslathered head to toe in glisteningbaby oil. However, in reality,the locker room is a far more diverse place.


The WWE superstars of today range from towering to tiny, from skinny to shredded - and although company preference may lean towards the big muscles and minuscule body fat percentages of Cena, Reigns, et. al., quite a few workers are out of shape.

Whether naturally bulky, slowly succumbing to age, or overly-tempted by the catering table, a number of WWE superstars are far from Vince's bodybuilder ideal.


But should that matter, and does it even matter? As we're about to discover, out of shape superstars can be found up and down the roster (including NXT), perhaps proving that WWE are finally beginning to embrace ability over aesthetics.