10 Devastating Injuries Suffered By WWE Divas

Being "Sexy, Smart and Powerful" has a price.

By Erik Beaston /

World Wrestling Entertainment applied the tagline "Sexy, Smart and Powerful" to its Divas years ago and, for the most part, that has most certainly been the case. The women of WWE have proven to be able to mix it up between the ropes while entertaining audiences away from the squared circle. The company's Total Divas reality show, airing on both E! and the WWE Network, is entering its third season and has been a big hit for all involved. While the show has done an excellent job of giving fans some insight into the dramatic lives of some of their favorite female performers, it has also given them an indication of just how tough and physically grueling the wrestling business can be. Both Nikki Bella and Naomi have had major injuries documented on the show and have fought back from them to continue their in-ring careers. Those two Divas are hardly the only to suffer devastating injuries during their time in WWE. The rise of women's wrestling early in the 2000s meant the female talent was subjected to a more dangerous, hard-hitting, high-impact wrestling style than ever before. Trish Stratus, Lita, Victoria, Jazz, Molly Holly and Gail Kim were legitimate professional wrestlers who delivered matches that fans did not have to be ashamed of. In the process, many of those women suffered injuries that threatened their careers. Proving they were every bit as tough, several of the Divas who earned jobs with WWE via the Diva Search competition also enduring incredibly painful injuries suffered between the ropes. Injuries are bound to happen when competing as often as the ladies of WWE are expected to. The schedule is unforgiving but they know that, they signed up for it and they enjoy performing for millions of fans around the world. Unfortunately, the injury bug bit these ladies and put them on the sidelines for varying periods of time. These are the 10 most devastating injuries suffered by WWE Divas.