10 Dumbest Wrestling Gimmicks Of All Time

The Gambler just never knew went to quit.

By Chris Quicksilver /

If you want to make it in pro wrestling, you€™ve got to have a gimmick... In fact, your level of career success can depend greatly on your gimmick. If you€™re lucky enough to be Mark Callaway, you get to become The Undertaker, being presented to fans around the world as the ultimate badass for 20+ years. However, if you€™re Fred €˜Shockmaster€™ Ottman, they simply squeeze you into an effeminate fur coat, give you a Star Wars helmet covered in glitter and get Ole Anderson to do his cookie monster impersonation whenever you€™re supposed to be talking. Then, you€™re pretty much boned. Whether you€™re Perry Saturn being told that you€™re about to embark on a televised love affair with a mop, Shawn Stasiak getting the nod to play an underwear model, or Chris Kanyon being packaged as a Mortal Kombat character, a bad gimmick is a bad gimmick. Harsh truth of wrestling number 11235467 - Not everyone leaves their initial meeting with the creative department in high spirits. The history of crap gimmicks is a long and hilarious one. In fact, as far as some wrestling fans are concerned, it almost qualifies as a sub-interest; with a certain breed of fan enjoying the stupid gimmicks infinitely more than any serious wrestling that may/may not be on display. For these fans (and any other interested parties), we present an affectionate look back at some (but, by no means all) of wrestling€™s dumbest gimmicks. Prepare to facepalm...

10. Naked Mideon

Pretty much every major sport has its share of streakers - idiots that interrupt games by running across the pitch/playing field whilst totally b*llock naked. Once upon a time (presumably whilst high) WWE creative decided to promote a nudist character so that professional wrestling wouldn€™t be left out. Frankly, we have no F€™N clue as to why WWE felt that a heavyset gentleman€™s jiggling sack would translate into better TV ratings. We also have no idea why Dennis Knight (who had previously portrayed hillbilly Phineas Godwin) agreed to the gimmick. From the time the bell rang, €˜Naked Mideon€™ as he was now billed, would attempt to remove his clothes, covering his modesty only with a fanny pack (and/or a man thong). Win or lose, he would then run around the apron, giving WWE camera crews ample opportunity to film his bouncing, wrinkled arse cheeks as he pegged it up the ramp and back to the dressing room. Honestly, we have no idea what his appeal was supposed to be...