10 Famous Wrestling Gimmicks That Were Actually Inherited

Why waste a good gimmick when someone retires? If the mask fits, wear it!

By Martyn Grant /

The tradition of masks in wrestling is one that has been around as long as the business itself. From Japan and Mexico to the UK and the US, the mystery of masked superstars is an allure that never dies.


With such proven drawing power, it makes it all the more difficult for promoters to let go when a successful masked superstar retires, departs, or ditches a gimmick. Which is why many simply decide to continue the gimmick with someone else under the hood.

While many would see this as an underhanded way to capitalise on a former star’s success, it’s hard to argue with the results. More often than not, a second hand gimmick can not only continue the legacy of an established character but, in many cases, surpass that of the original.

As such, recycled gimmicks have become an accepted part of wrestling and a proven vehicle for carrying a character through to a new generation of fans. Other times, it’s simply a way to give a good gimmick an upgrade. Regardless of reasoning, it’s a practice that continues to hold true.

Here’s ten great examples of the most successful second hand gimmicks in wrestling history.

10. Sin Cara

When Mistico signed with WWE in 2011, the wrestling world was abuzz with hype for the Mexican superstar. Having made quite the impact in CMLL, a lot was expected from Luis Urive when he made his highly anticipated arrival in the US.


Debuting on the 24 March edition of Raw, it became apparent that the incredibly high expectations for Mistico - now dubbed Sin Cara - were almost impossible to meet and it was soon clear that the hugely anticipated arrival was becoming a huge let down.

After a number of failed pushes, WWE quickly came to the realisation that the Latin luchador wasn’t all that they had hoped for, and Sin Cara was released in March 2014. However, despite the departure of Mistico, the character of Sin Cara would live on.

With so much money and time invested in the Cara character, it was decided that WWE star Hunico would don the mask and continue the gimmick. Having appeared on WWE TV as Sin Cara when Mistico was suspended and as Sin Cara Negro during the Sin Cara vs. Sin Cara feud, Hunico was the the natural choice as successor and still appears as the Sin Cara character to this day.
