10 Great Matches When Wrestlers Stopped Giving A Damn

Those rare, beautiful times when letting go led to wrestling magic.

By John Bills /


The world is a frustrating place. Despite our best intentions and efforts, things don’t always transpire as we would like them to, and that can lead to many lashing out in exasperation. In professional wrestling that isn’t such a bad thing, this is the fighting business after all, but history is full of competitors who could no longer deal with the politics, the nonsense, the nepotism, and simply gave up.


Professional wrestling isn’t like normal life though, so this doesn’t always lead to people slinking off into the darkness with the hump. Sometimes, letting go of the weight of the world can create magic, can create greatness. Other times, throwing your hands up in a manner that screams ‘f*ck it’ can lead to some of the most entertaining matches possible.

Not giving a damn can take many forms. It can be letting go of fears over job security, it can be caring too much, it can be freeing the arms in joy. It can also be an all-time great flopping around like an electrocuted fish in front of 18,176 people, all because he feels just a little bit slighted.
