10 Greatest Masked Wrestlers Of All Time

There's nothing quite as intoxicating in wrestling than a masked superstar.

By Chris Quicksilver /

Wrestlers that wear masks have always been peppered with an air of mystery and exoticism. A good masked gimmick has the fans in attendance wondering just who it is under there and watching intently for any kind of visual clues as to the wearer€™s identity. In fact, many fans pay closer attention to a masked wrestler than they do to an un-masked one, which is just one way that masks are useful in pro wrestling. A mask is also useful to promoters that are planning to job out an established star to an upcoming one, without harming the losing wrestler€™s reputation. Simply stick a cheap hood on him and €˜ Ta-Daaa!€™ he€™s someone else entirely. The fans never know, do they? Ummm...Yes. Yes we do. Better still, is the re-packaging of a familiar wrestler as a new character entirely, something that can be done very easily (and very effectively), by putting the wrestler under a flashy new mask. A great many wrestlers have ridden the €˜masked mystery man€™ gimmick to enormous success over the years, especially in Mexican lucha libre, where masked wrestling is a culture unto itself. It is a culture that builds a modern bridge between the Aztec ceremonies of bygone years and the re-enactment of rituals emphasized by professional wrestling. This list is an attempt to break down the thousands of masked wrestlers that have enjoyed success over the years to a selection of just ten (although cheated a bit and added a few tie-breakers) and then to put that ten into some sort of order. Here, then, are the top 10 masked wrestlers of all time...