10 Greatest United States Champions Ever

40 years of history but who held the gold the best?

By Erik Beaston /

The United States Championship is one of the rare titles that has existed in three separate organizations and has been held by countless Hall of Fame inductees. Traditionally the penultimate stop on a competitor's journey to the heavyweight title of the world, it was the reward for a star's hard work and an announcement to the rest of the wrestling world that the new U.S. titleholder was being groomed for bigger and better things. There is perhaps no greater example of that than Magnum TA, who captured the title in 1985 and was clearly anointed the industry's next top babyface. Had a catastrophic car crash not prematurely ended his career, the United States Championship would have catapulted him to the very top of sports entertainment. Other examples of competitors parlaying are Diamond Dallas Page, John Cena, Ric Flair, Lex Luger and Ricky Steamboat. But where do those wrestlers rank among the greatest to ever hold the strap? Do they even make the top ten? Find out now with this look back at the finest professional wrestlers to ever achieve the glory that comes with holding the celebrated U.S. title. Here, you will find those men who brought legitimacy to the gold and now, 40 years after its introduction to the sport, have helped make it one of the most prestigious titles in the long and illustrious history of the sport.