10 Incredible Death Defying WWE Leaps

Crazy risks stars took in the name of entertainment.

By John Canton /

WWE.comThe history of WWE has given us so many incredible moments over the years involving wrestling putting their bodies on the line to entertain us. While we may remember the ones like Mankind falling off a cage as the best bump of all time, what about when wrestlers put their body on the line when they're on offense? It happens all the time. We have seen guys hitting finishing moves of 15 foot high ladders, off the top of cages, from the ring post to the announce table and off various parts of the staging area too. Guys are willing to put their bodies on the line simply because they want to create those memorable moments that WWE fans will love forever. Today's focus will be on those moments when wrestlers put their body on the line to deliver a huge move to an opponent. These are not bumps. It's about the offense. Sorry John Cena, but none of your Fives of Doom are going to make it here. No Hulk Hogan leg drops either. This is about big moves that look like they hurt the person receiving them and may have hurt the guy delivering them too.

10. John Morrison's Unique Cage Attack At Elimination Chamber 2011

WWE.comJohn Morrison is one of the best athletes in the history of WWE. His confidence grew over the years as he showed off his athleticism and ability to do just about anything in the wrestling ring. When he took part in the 2011 Elimination Chamber match, he decided he wanted to do something that we had never seen before. We've seen people jump off the pods, but climbing the top of the cage was definitely different. With Sheamus down in the center of the ring, Morrison climbed onto one of the pods by the side of the cage and he didn't stop there. He kept on climbing until he got to the center part of the cage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j5ka51fssM&feature=kp When Sheamus looked up, Morrison fell down on him in a move that we could call a cross body attack although a more appropriate name might be a cage dive. No matter what you call it, the move was an incredible athletic display as Morrison came crashing down on Sheamus from about 15 feet high.