10 Incredibly Dumb Things That Happen In WWE Every Year
Deja Vu Then, Now, and Forever.

WWE produces thousands of hours of footage - as well as hundreds of products - every year, so it's understandable if the company recycles an idea from time to time. In the words of Stanley Kubrick, "Everything has already been done. Every story has been told. Every scene has been shot. It's our job to do it one better."
Unfortunately, WWE doesn't always catch the last part of that quote.
More often than not, WWE goes back to the well only to produce a lackluster rehashing of something that worked before. If it gets over with the fans, whether a creative concept or product, the WWE Universe can bet on seeing it time and time again (usually for years) until it begs the company to stop. And then the fans see it a little bit more.
Similar to how a joke is funnier the first time, WWE concepts are often best during their inception. Nevertheless, the company recycles these things every year, whether good or bad. And sometimes, WWE takes an idea that was once good and completely runs it to the ground.
10. Weddings

At nearly 70 years old, WWE has gone through countless storylines, so it's unsurprising that every so often the creative team recycles an old trick. There are plenty of repeat scenarios and gimmicks if one were to watch WWE programming long enough, but one of the most common of them all is the televised wrestling wedding.
The wedding is one of the oldest plot devices there is. The basic idea is to take a familiar ceremony and turn it upside down. Almost every year there is a wedding on WWE TV at some point, and as one might imagine, almost all of them end in chaos. WWE weddings trace back as far back as 1984 when Paul Vachon and Ophelia held their ceremony, which David Schultz made sure to crash.
While some wedding segments have left an impression on the WWE Universe - such as the unlikely marriage between Stephanie McMahon and The Undertaker, McMahon's highly questionable marriage to Test/Triple H, and the legendary marriage of Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth (one that wasn't such a catastrophe) - many of them have fallen flat in recent years. Long gone are such memorable moments, and in their places were the likes of Billy and Chuck, Al Wilson and Dawn Marie, and Bobby Lashley and Lana. At this rate, it might be time for wedding segments to go home and learn a new hold.