10 Most Innovative WWE Superstars Of All Time

These guys were way ahead of their time.

By Lewis Howse /

These days fans have seen everything. It takes something truly spectacular, like Adrian Neville's Red Arrow or the Wyatt Family's entrance, to make people say 'I haven't seen anything like that before'. But wrestling has always had its innovators. While you certainly have to be unique to be a professional wrestler for a living there are those who do things that are completely different from what came before them. The last twenty years, in particular, has seen its fair share of innovators. As the risk was increased and wrestlers, generally, started to have a higher athletic standard wrestlers constantly looked to find things that the crowd had never seen before. Oftentimes this would be a new move or sequence of moves but not always. Innovation also comes in the form of promos and character. Some wrestlers were so innovative that there innovations changed the business forever, their inventions becoming standard practice in wrestling. Others are so innovative that nobody could quite duplicate what they did. Wrestlers are still innovating today and always will: the audience demands it from them. Here we look at the top ten innovative WWE superstars of all time.