10 Most Insane Characters In Wrestling History

There's disturbed. There's crazy. And then there's these guys...

By Jack Morrell /

There€™s an argument for saying that all professional wrestlers are a little crazy. To do what they do, day in, day out is hard enough €“ but often, they€™re working without vacations, medical insurance, or decent sleep. They€™re constantly travelling, rarely getting to see their families: engaged in throwing themselves onto hard surfaces for the entertainment of a screaming crowd. And €˜engaged€™ is the right word, because wrestling is a passion. You can€™t do it unless you€™re fully committed to it. Let€™s face it €“ even a basic back bump would be enough to put most people off for life, and that€™s probably the simplest bump a pro wrestler takes. But there€™s crazy, and then there€™s crazy. This article is dedicated to those wrestling characters whose gimmick was utter insanity. How do we define insanity in an insane profession? Well, one of the most important things in pro wrestling is the ability to suspend your disbelief€ and when you€™re watching a promo or a match and, whether it€™s for a moment or for an entire match, you€™re really not sure whether the guy you€™re watching is two sandwiches short of a picnic, that€™s quality crazy. Honourable mention goes to Sabu and his uncle the Sheik, a couple of true hardcore innovators, but not famous for their promos or personalities, and to Ric Flair and the Ultimate Warrior, whose whacked out promos nearly made the cut on their own, but who weren€™t generally playing a €˜crazy man€™ gimmick.