10 Life Lessons From Stone Cold Steve Austin Every Fan Must Follow

They're far more than just catch-phrases...

By Ross Tweddell /

Stone Cold is the master of the middle finger. The chief a** whooper of sorry sons of b*tches. The beer drinker among beer drinkers. The truster of absolutely no one but himself. He won't hesitate stomping a mudhole in your sorry a** before walking it dry. And other hard hitting catchphrases to that effect. He's the toughest SOB in the history of professional wrestling, arguably the biggest star the biggest company in the world has ever produced and a man that lives his life by one set of rules; his own. If there was a Mount Rushmore of WWE then Austin could well be the featured head. If you were forced to pick four names from the history of wrestling then they would be: Austin, The Rock, Hulk Hogan and John Cena. None of those other men made such an huge impact in such a short space of time. Austin's career in professional wrestling is completely unique. There are a lot of things that The Texas Rattlesnake's career can teach a young man, or woman, finding their respective way in life. In that case, here's 10 Life Lessons From Stone Cold Steve Austin Every Fan Must Follow.