10 Little Known Facts About CM Punk

Just why is he called CM Punk anyway?

By Mike Shannon /

CM Punk has been absent from WWE since the Royal Rumble in Pittsburgh. However, because of his popularity with the wrestling fan base, his name is still one of the top searched on this site and he has been mentioned on WWE television numerous times. Punk is notorious for his grumpy attitude towards pretty much everything except wrestling and even his best friends admit that Punk can be a miserable guy a lot of the time. However, Punk remains one of the more popular, if not mysterious, figures in recent wrestling history and has forged a connection with the audience over the years. Since Punk mostly keeps to himself, especially on the road where he preferred to travel in his own RV, facts about CM Punk (even his name origin) have been hard to come by. While we certainly respect Punk's right to keep his private life private, wrestling fans definitely want to know more about Phil Brooks because they find him so interesting. Let's kick-off the countdown below;