10 More Times Wrestlers Broke Kayfabe
“Good God Almighty, good God Almighty. That killed... kayfabe"

Kayfabe is dead. For a fanbase who were never supposed to see the inner workings of the business, we now know everything we could ever possibly want and then some. The magic has gone. The ethos that acted as the foundation of professional wrestling is long in the past.
In the digital age where all kinds of media exposing professional wrestling is available at one click of a mouse button, companies the world over try to keep the facade alive. Even though kayfabe as a concept is dead, we wouldn't be able to enjoy episodic wrestling like we still do to this day without it.
Certain performers from years gone by were credited with 'living the gimmick;' taking their character from the ring to every facet of their lives. Today, if every single star we see on television doesn't do that, they're exposed. You've got to feel sorry for them as we live in a world where privacy is at a premium. Every fan has a camera phone these days and every fan is looking for a selfie. However, while today's stars could be forgiven for not portraying their character in an airport at 5am, examples of kayfabe shattering moments still occur in arenas around the world when they perhaps shouldn't.
This is so frequent that we covered this previously in the video below; here's the sequel - 10 more recent occurrences where WWE Superstars took Kayfabe and rubbed it in tradition's face.
10. Baron Corbin Consoles A Child
This is the most recent example of a WWE star killing their own kayfabe, and while it took place when the cameras weren't rolling, it took place in an arena full of fans so still counts, right?!
After losing this week's SmackDown Live dark match to Shinsuke Nakamura, Baron Corbin was spotted consoling a child in his arms at ringside. He also gave the child a t-shirt, the lucky little blighter.
Now obviously seeing big bad Baron, who clearly doesn't give a damn about anyone other than himself on television, showing any modicum of compassion towards any humanoid is kayfabe shattering.
Many in the arena thought The Lone Wolf made this youngster cry during his match with the King Of Strong Style. However, he was merely saying hello and giving a treat to a member of his family.
If Baron really wanted to keep Kayfabe alive he would have done this transaction backstage but I guess he clawed it all back somewhat with this tweet.