10 Most Absurd Characters In WrestleMania History

How did THAT guy get on the biggest card of the year?

By Erik Beaston /

WrestleMania is the biggest show of the year in the sport of professional wrestling. To the men and women who ply their craft in arenas across the globe, it is certainly is as big as the Super Bowl, World Series, and March Madness tournament. Tens of thousands of fans come from around the world to witness the most recognizable World Wrestling Entertainment Superstars battle on the grandest stage imaginable. Icons such as Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Bret "Hitman" Hart, The Undertaker, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H and John Cena have performed at the Showcase of the Immortals, creating moments and matches that will live forever. Their contributions have helped make the event the global phenomenon that it has become. But what about those characters that leave fans scratching their heads and questioning how they ever made it onto a WrestleMania card? Vince McMahon's promotion has been home to some of the worst gimmicks of all-time. And while most have gone the way of the dinosaurs fairly quickly, some have managed to make it onto the most important card of the year. Who were these absurd characters? Find out now on this journey through the crazy, kooky, insane and ridiculous.