10 Most Baffling WWE Signings Ever

What the f*ck were they thinking?

By Jamie Kennedy /

Over the years, the World Wrestling Federation/World Wrestling Entertainment as a company have signed literally hundreds of wrestlers to contracts. Credit where credit is due, even though the promotion have thrown a lot at the wall to see what might stick, they have usually kept things quite tight in terms of roster size. Even taking into account NXT now, there aren't really vast numbers of performers not working regularly or pulling their weight. Of course, the last statement in that paragraph is wholly subjective, depending on fan opinion over individuals, but WWE have done a lot of fat-trimming over the years to try and make their employee list work for them rather than act as an over-inflated burden. On the whole, the McMahon family have been quite smart when it comes to hiring talent. For every Mark Henry, signed to a colossal contract before he could even work a basic match, there's been guys like Kurt Angle, who definitely worked out for the organisation. On occasion however, there are those signings in WWF/WWE history that truly confuse people, leading them to ask the question, "why?". That's exactly what this list focuses on, those wrestlers who were either signed at the wrong time, or snapped up when they had nothing to offer the company, leading many to scratch their heads in confusion.
