10 Most Bizarre WWE Superstars Ever

There's several former WWE champions in this bunch of misfits!

By Erik Beaston /

Cody Rhodes is an elite performer. That may seem like a loaded statement but all one has to do is look at the plethora of lousy gimmicks the second-generation star has somehow made work despite history and common sense indicating otherwise. The latest of those gimmicks is a lazy reincarnation of Goldust, an incredibly bizarre character that his brother Dustin perfected in the 1990s and again in the 2000s. Dubbed Stardust, the character is completely detached from reality, rambling on about the cosmos and randomly hissing, meowing and hopping onto the guardrail during his entrance. As ludicrous and ridiculous as the character is, however, Cody has completely submerged himself in it. He believes in it and has made Stardust his own, something those saddled with poor gimmicks rarely do and, as a result, fail to achieve the success Rhodes has throughout his career. The Stardust character has developed into the most bizarre in all of World Wrestling Entertainment, thanks to Cody's devotion to his performance. The company's history is dotted with stars that pushed the boundaries of weird and became some of the most peculiar in sports-entertainment lore. Clowns, boogeymen, big red demons and face-painted freaks have caused many a fan to scratch their heads in disbelief while simultaneously entertaining them. They remind fans of the circus-like nature of the entertainment art form, something that may not always sit well with the self-righteous know-it-alls of the internet, this writer included, but something that keeps fans coming back to pro wrestling. In preparation for Stardust and Goldust's WWE Tag Team Championship bout against The Usos at Night of Champions, and in celebration of the most unconventional, unorthodox and unusual stars in company history, enjoy this look back at 10 of the most bizarre and beloved stars to ever grace a Vince McMahon-owned ring.