10 Most Hated People Behind The Scenes In Wrestling

Backstage heat so hot Pitbull has almost certainly written a song about it.

By Jacob Trowbridge /

Politics and professional wrestling have always been inexplicably intertwined, and that goes beyond Jesse Ventura becoming the Governor of Minnesota or future President Donald Trump taking a stunner from Stone Cold at WrestleMania 23. Unfortunately, politics are as linked to the business as elbow drops and dated stereotypes.


Because professional wrestling is a business after all, just like the action inside the ring, it pits its employers against each other for a few choice spots in the upper echelon of the roster, where the paydays are bigger and the merchandising deals are sweeter.

It's also a business that invites strong personalities and a whole lotta testosterone, which can make for a pretty volatile stew - a stew made from backstabbing, favoritism, and merciless hazing.

While there was once a time when the secrets of Who Hates Who in the locker room were kept between those inside the business, this modern age of the dirt sheets, drunk tweets, podcasts, and endless shoot interviews have ensured any fan has access to the gross underbelly of the wrestling industry.

And, after scouring those dirt sheets, drunk tweets, podcasts, and shoot interviews, it became clear that some wrestlers are hated a helluva lot more than others.

10. Kevin Dunn

If you're unfamiliar with the name Kevin Dunn, don't worry, you're probably painfully familiar with his work. He's the Executive Vice President of Television Production for WWE. He's basically the guy who decides what to show - or, sometimes more importantly, what not to show - to the home audience.


He was the "brain" behind Tough Enough and the Divas Search, and is responsible for the constant shaky cam and unnecessary zooming that's overtaken the production lately. Oh, he also hates wrestling.

Kevin Dunn hates "wrestling" so much that, according to Jim Cornette, he would refuse to let people use the word when he was in the room. Cornette called him "one of the biggest enemies of professional wrestling" and "a dangerous behind-the-scenes influence." Jim Ross has echoed some of these sentiments, albeit with a gentler tone.

Even Paul Bearer hated this guy. And it takes a special kind of talent to make Paul Bearer hate you. In an interview with Cornette, he said he could "name on one hand the people I truly hate in this business, and I've always hated Kevin Dunn."

There's also been rumors of a power struggle between Dunn, who fancies himself as Vince's right-hand man, and Triple H, who is undoubtedly next in line to take over the company.
