10 Most Hated Wrestlers Of All Time

Saying his prayers and boiling your piss.

By Michael Sidgwick /

This isn't an article listing the 10 Most Effective Heels Of All Time, or even the least, which explains the absence of Freddie Blassie and King Corbin, whom incidentally several people can't understand the difference between, which is frightening. All the same, innit?


Heel work 101.

This isn't an article detailing which wrestlers and wrestling personalities were most hated amongst their peers, which explains the absence of Buff Bagwell. There are no surgically enhanced breasts in the pictures featured in this article, which explains the absence of Kevin Dunn.

No, this is an article that attempts to the 10 most reviled figures amongst wrestling fans. Not love to hate, not begrudgingly part with cash to see get wrecked: just 10 wrestlers people for whatever reason couldn't stand, and since a genuinely reasonable and talented chap is included alongside a total sh*theel who once intimated the threat of violent sexual assault in the showers, that's something of an indictment of WWE's modern approach to booking.


They call it that because the idea is that there's more than one page, as opposed to the back of a 74 year-old's hand scribbled on minutes before showtime.

That man makes an appearance because of course he does.

10. Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan was cizz-aught on tizz-ape being rizz-acist more times than he did clizz-ean jizz-obs in WCW. A jizz-ob incidentally is what he chucked up his best mate's wizz-ife, for another measure of the man.


For another measure of the man - the company that he keeps - that best friend was Bubba the Love Sponge, whom labelling a piece of sh*t would do a disservice to the honourable log of faecal matter that knows itself to be waste and will not accordingly linger inside of one's body. Before his reprehensible and unapologetic racism surfaced - years after which he blamed not on his poor character but that damned sentient technology - Hogan, your actual childhood hero, was unpopular for the exponentially less significant crime of being an incredibly self-serving professional wrestler.

Beloved by the WWE set for his magic act, he couldn't manipulate WCW fans quite so easily: they received his histrionic crowd appeals and basic repetitive match structure as the work of an unathletic carny sports entertainer who did not embody the values of the professional wrestlers they grew up with.

Hogan was also a right lying bastard, which put people off, and blamed a brain dead car crash victim for not bloody doing what he was told - saying his prayers - for f*ck's f*cking sake.
