Professional wrestling is perhaps the most scrutinized form of entertainment one will ever encounter. Droves of fans regularly flock to the Internet to express their dissatisfaction with the current product, while so-called experts rate matches to the nearest half star. The ratings are typically determined based upon a number of factors, including workrate, in-ring psychology, and pre-match build. One factor that is not usually considered, however, is the long-term impact the match has on the overall storyline, which makes sense considering the matches are rated shortly after the event concludes. This means that unless you are Nostradamus reincarnated, it is pretty difficult to determine how influential a match is going to become. It is possible to dust off the wrestling history books and determine which matches had the greatest overall impact on the company though. Instead of compiling a list of the greatest matches in the history of the WWE, it is more interesting to look at the matches that had the most lasting impact on the product. So, while the twentieth meeting between Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio last week was a rather entertaining affair, do not expect the match to find its way onto the list. Likewise, not every match on the list is going to feature the most incredible in-ring work fans have ever witnessed, as some matches had a long-term ripple effect on the WWE storyline but featured action that was less than memorable. Without further ado, here are the ten most influential matches in WWE history.