10 Most Insane Wrestling Spots Of The Week (Feb 26)

Natalya earned 7 years bad luck after smashing a mirror with her face!

By Mitch Nickelson /


Teleportation, newly acquired Egyptian powers, and a challenge against a team that's held their tag gold for over a full decade - just another day in the life of the Broken Hardys. Their on screen personas keep venturing deeper into insanity and they've somehow managed to keep it entertaining. It's hard not to appreciate Matt and Jeff...that is, unless your name is Rocky Rage.


Rage was stuffed into a trash receptacle on wheels and rolled down a flight of stairs during this brawl deep in heart of Appalachia. This wild moment from the Expedition of Gold is among the best spots of the week, even though the former Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions might want to forget it.

Ten of the best moves from promotions all of the world lie ahead, so continue on to see the most insane spots of the week.

10. Super Angels' Wings

Ring of Honor has been holding the Decade of Excellence Tournament in which the participants had to have made their debut in the company at least ten years ago. The finals came down to Christopher Daniels and Jay Briscoe, with this Angel's Wings off the ropes serving as the final move of the match.


The Fallen Angel earns a title shot for a belt he's never held. This is amazing considering he was one of the four men to compete in the 60-minute Ironman Match to crown the company's first ever champ back in July of 2002.
