10 Most Insane Wrestling Spots Of The Week (Jan 22)

FantasticaMania is here!

By Mitch Nickelson /

The Royal Rumble is only one week away and to borrow and old cliche - business is starting to pick up.


Many wrestlers are pulling out several more stops than normal, like when Kevin Owens Powerbombed Roman Reigns through an announce table on Raw - or when Dolph Ziggler Superkicked Jerry Lawler straight in the heart. Those were a couple of jerky but still attention-grabbing moves.

In addition to those moments, Mistico and Volador, Jr. brought the aerial assault at FantasticaMania, Darren Young suffered a nasty injury on Main Event, and Trevor Lee demonstrated the proper way to leave a six sided ring.

The action has been fierce so let's get right to the most insane wrestling spots of the week.

10. Heart Kick

Dolph Ziggler was a man of few words during the King's Court segment on SmackDown. He showed Jerry Lawler 2012 footage of when he dropped many elbows just a few minutes before his cardiac arrest. Then, Dolph Superkicked him - straight in the heart. What a jerk.


Mere moments after this, JBL stumbled and fell trying to make his way to the ring becuase he's a true friend.
