10 Most Insane Wrestling Spots Of The Week (Sept 4)

A Curb Stomp on a chair and a Burning Hammer!

By Mitch Nickelson /


Triple H returned to Raw this past week to bust out his finisher at the end of the big Universal Championship 4-Way Match, surprising one man who used to consider the COO an ally. It was a huge moment during arguably the most exciting Raw main event of the year, rightfully becoming one of the most talked about spots of the week.


Along with that loyalty-shifting Pedigree, a blocked Moonsault, a German suplex off of the second ropes, and one of the rarest moves in wrestling, the Burning Hammer, are among a few of the moves that comprise this edition of the Most Insane Spots.

There are ten maneuvers in total, so proceed on to see which ones made the cut.

10. Beautiful Shooting Star Press

Steve Cutler might be the competitor to keep your eye on after getting this win on NXT in under 4 minutes, but it's his opponent Kenneth Crawford that had the spot of the match in my book.


There's something about the execution of this Shooting Star Press that makes me want to look at over and over and again. The guy's got finesse.
