10 Most Notorious Kevin Nash Urban Legends

One Nitro Girl certainly thought 'Big Sexy' was 'too sweet' (allegedly).

By Lewis Howse /

You'd be hard pressed to come across a more polarising wrestling personality than Kevin Nash. To his supporters, he's a master politician who worked the system and managed to make millions of dollars for, essentially, partying and having fun with his friends. He's an extremely important figure in wrestling history, they'll say, and can have good matches from time to time, too. His detractors, meanwhile, will argue the opposite. They'll say that Nash put himself before his co-workers, politicked his way to the top and that he was lazy and useless in the ring. To them, he's everything wrong with the wrestling business, a five move wonder who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Both arguments have some merit. Yes, Nash was a limited worker who rarely (if ever) had a five-star match. Yes, he played the backstage games and managed to book himself in favourable positions. But Nash also had, and has, a great mind for the business. He's the reason why every WWE superstar has a 'downside guarantee in their contracts these days'. Considering how polarizing, outspoken and notable Nash is, it comes as little surprise that he's been involved in one or two scandals, has heat with some people and may or may not have done this or that. There are a lot of Nash stories out there, a lot of urban legends But which ones are true?