10 Most Tasteless Moments From Total Divas

Spoiler alert: A whole lot of Rosa Mendes

By Justin Seagull /

Even though Total Divas classifies itself as a "reality" program, a good majority of the moments that happen on the show are just as scripted as the storylines in the WWE. It appears on the E! Network, whose method of €œreality€ programming storytelling is simple: create drama where none originally exists. Here€™s how it works: Reality Star A is sitting at lunch with Trusted Friend B talking about a party or related shindig happening later in the evening, and says, €œI really hope Mean Person C doesn€™t show up uninvited. I really can€™t stand him/her.€ And sure enough, Mean Person C incredibly shows up at said shindig, because the producers of the show set the whole thing up. This differs, for your information, from the MTV method of €œreality€ programming storytelling which involves getting a bunch of clinically insane people in a confined space, supplying them with unlimited amounts of alcohol, taking a step back and watching the magic happen, which is much more preferable. Total Divas is also a WWE-promoted program, and WWE is all about being TV-PG. Unfortunately for WWE corporate, who wants to portray a squeaky-clean image of a company where jacked up people beat up other jacked up people, the E! Network made Total Divas TV-14, but that probably won't stop WWE's younger audience from tuning in, especially with their favorite wrestlers like John Cena and Daniel Bryan on there. If they should tune in, they will see programming that is most definitely not PG. In fact, many things that happen on Total Divas are extremely tasteless and not suitable for the WWE's younger viewers. Here are the top 10 most tasteless moments from Total Divas.