10 Most Unlikely WWE Intercontinental Champions Ever

It's not that they were good or bad, more that they were totally unexpected.

By Jamie Kennedy /

Listen to WWE announcers talk about the belt now, and you'd be forgiven for thinking that the Intercontinental Title still meant a great deal to the company. Such words directly fly in the face of reality - WWE haven't truly presented the Intercontinental Title as meaningful for many years, certainly not for any great length of time. Sure, the strap has arguably gained importance due to the promotion doing away with the World Heavyweight Championship, unifying that belt with the WWE Title, but a lot of that is superficial. It's perhaps merely by default that the Intercontinental Title has been featured more than in previous years, but it's true to say that the ongoing situation with Daniel Bryan has thrust it into the spotlight. In vacating the title, Bryan will ride off into the sunset for the time being. He may have only been able to hold the thing since WrestleMania in March, but at least Bryan was viewed as a worthy champion in the eyes of fans. The same thing simply can't be said for many of the names featured here! There was a time when the Intercontinental Title was deemed WWF/WWE's second biggest title, one ideal to prepare a wrestler for a top line push, but that ideology comes with its own problems, as evidenced here.