10 NXT Stars Who Could Feature In The 2015 Royal Rumble

NXT is loaded with future stars. Which will get a chance to shine this Sunday?

By Eric Delgado /

It probably goes without saying that WWE€™s Royal Rumble is the most unpredictable match of the year. It is the one event even the most casual of fans make it a point to see. Between the surprise entrants, miraculous feats of athleticism, and drama that develops from the opening bell, it is a guaranteed crowd pleaser. Over the past two years, WWE has made it a point to use the Rumble as an opportunity to showcase some of the talent it has been developing in NXT. In 2013, Bo Dallas won a tournament to earn a spot in the match. His debut performance lasted over twenty minutes and sparked a short feud with Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett. Last year, we saw the debut of €œThe Bulgarian Brute€ Rusev. The 300 lb. super athlete flew around the ring like a cruiserweight, unleashing pain on everyone in his path. It ultimately took four veteran WWE Superstars to eliminate him from the match. Since then, Rusev won the United States Championship and has yet to be pinned. This being the first Royal Rumble of the WWE Network Era, NXT€™s Superstars are going in with more exposure than ever. WWE is even polling fans to ask which NXT performer they would like to have in the match. While only one NXT Superstar might see action this year, here are 10 NXT Stars Who Could Feature In The 2015 Royal Rumble.