10 Openers That Would Start WrestleMania 31 With A Bang

Not everyone can be in the main event, but they can start the show off right.

By Chris Mueller /

We all know that the main selling point of any WWE pay-per-view is typically the main event, but it's the first match of the night that sets the tone for the rest of the show. Booking that crucial spot on the card is not always easy because everyone wants to be the headliner. However, being one of the people tasked with getting things off to a good start is just as important because you are responsible for getting the crowd excited and putting them in the right frame of mind for the rest of the night. Just look at last year's event. Triple H and Daniel Bryan were the opening bout, and they had a great match that set the pace for everything that followed. The year before, that responsibility fell on the shoulders of The Shield, Sheamus, Big Show and Randy Orton. Go back a few more years and you will see Edge and Alberto Del Rio kicking off the show in exciting fashion, and if you go all the way back to WrestleMania 10, it was Bret and Owen Hart making sure the start of the show was enjoyable. In fact, being in the first bout is almost as important as being in the main event because you are the first thing the crowd will remember from the biggest show of the year. This slideshow will look at 10 matches that would kick of WrestleMania with a bang.