10 OTHER Chris Jericho Dream Matches That Need To Happen

Who else should Y2J face before heading back to WWE?

By John Bills /


In professional wrestling, dreams do come true. Do they come much bigger than Kenny Omega vs. Chris Jericho in the Tokyo Dome? Okay, you could feasibly go for Genghis Khan vs. Jesus Christ in a Mongolian Massacre match, but we’re dealing with actual living beings here. Alpha vs. Omega was huge, and it didn’t disappoint.


It seems as though Y2J will be sticking around in New Japan too, as he enters a program with Tetsuya Naito. Has Jericho been bitten by the international wrestling bug? Was his experience in the Dome so much fun that he may decide to stay away from WWE a little longer than planned, and instead show up in other promotions across the globe?

Jericho has long claimed to be the Best In The World At What He Does, and now he has the chance to prove it. There are dream matches waiting all across the world for the man from Winnipeg (you idiot).
