10 People Who Had No Business In Professional Wrestling

From nepotism to a complete lack of talent, here are some unbelievably awful wrestlers!

By Andrew Soucek /


Years ago, breaking into the wrestling business was incredibly difficult. Even more so than today. You had to personally know, or find someone who would train you, gain their trust, and then endure a brutal training regime where a veteran would try to break your body and humble you. Only then would you gain their respect and find acceptance. Often times, those hopefuls didn€™t even know that the results were fixed!


While there€™s less organizations to hire you currently, the abuse isn€™t quite what it was before (though it remains quite extreme). It still takes a special breed to make it in the business. You need boatloads of charisma, or possess unbelievable athleticism, or develop a knack for understanding how to instill drama into a match. When you have all three traits, you can become a star. Unfortunately, some people in major promotions had none of those things going for them.

Sometimes talent is hired due to nepotism, or they€™re good looking, or because of some other insane reason that only the promoter knows. And that€™s what we€™re here to talk about; people that didn€™t belong in wrestling. This list isn€™t for the people who briefly showed up in the squared circle like Jay Leno, or David Arquette, this is for wrestlers who inexplicably found a full-time job in the business. I don't want to tell people what to do with their life, as heck, if someone offered me six figures to put on some tights and get in the ring, I just might try it. But I would be bad at it, just like these men and women were.


Here are 10 people that had no business in professional wrestling.