10 Most Popular Superstars WWE Ignored

By Erik Beaston /

Throughout the long and illustrious history of World Wrestling Entertainment, there have been wrestlers that have connected with audiences and enjoyed tremendous popularity as a result. For some, it was their mere presence that captured the imaginations of the fans. For others, it was their ability to talk that struck a chord. Still others rose to popularity thanks to their unmatched skills between the ropes. They capture the fans hearts and etch legacies for themselves, most of the time as members of the midcard. Why? Because, for whatever reason, management and the creative teams that work for them have not followed up their popularity with that one final push to the top. They have been reluctant to put faith in the idea that fans know what they want to see and what they want to pay for. Management and creative refused to see these Superstars as anything but talented midcarders or utility players and wasted their potential on years of treadmill booking. It has been a mistake made by those in power for decades and one that will continue to be made well into the future. Who are these men? Why were they overlooked and ignored by management? One of those questions is about to be answered.