10 Questions Steve Austin Must Ask Stephanie McMahon On WWE Network Podcast

If you want to see Stephanie McMahon on the Steve Austin Show, give me a hell yeah!

By Lewis Howse /

Stone Cold Steve Austin has thus far interviewed WWE COO Vince McMahon and Vice President of Talent Relations Triple H for his WWE Network Steve Austin Show live specials. It is only logical to think that Stephanie McMahon, Vince's daughter and Triple H's wife, is next in line for the podcast treatment. And what a podcast it would be. After Vince and Kevin Dunn it could be argued that Stephanie is the most powerful person currently working for WWE. Steph has been portraying a character on WWE for over fifteen years and has been involved in her fair share of scandals in the past, too. There would be no shortage of things for Austin and Stephanie to talk about, should she make an appearance on his show. Out of all of the wrestling podcast hosts, Austin is by far the best and, now that he has a deal with WWE to produce these live specials for the Network, we are finally getting a little more insight into the mind of some very powerful people within the company. Stone Cold is not afraid to ask the difficult questions and won't be intimidated by anybody. Steph, who by all accounts is very similar to her father, is the perfect next guest for Austin to have on the show. Whether or not that actually happens is up to WWE but, should it come to fruition, here are ten questions that Austin must ask the 'Billion Dollar Princess'.
