10 Questions Steve Austin Should Ask Triple H On WWE Network

It's time for Austin to ask Triple H some difficult questions.

By John Canton /

This Monday night on WWE Network following Raw, there's a Steve Austin podcast interview with Triple H that is set to run for one hour. The reason that WWE is running the interview on Monday night is because they know they have a big audience from Raw and it's also a free month on WWE Network. They can spend time on Raw advertising this free interview that isn't an in-character thing. It's supposed to be a shoot, or at least feel like one. As somebody that has listened to nearly every Steve Austin podcast on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I know that he's not shy about sharing his opinions. He's a guy that still loves the business. He'll always support WWE. However, he's expressed frustrations with some of the decisions in WWE and has recently said that Roman Reigns isn't ready to be the top guy in WWE. If a match sucks, he'll talk about it. It's refreshing to hear from one of the best wrestlers ever that is still a fan and also able to be critical. There are a number of things that Austin could talk about with Triple H. Assuming that this is like the Vince McMahon interview that Austin did in December, nothing appears to be off limits. That doesn't mean Austin's going to ask Hunter about a guy like Chris Benoit, but it's likely that some former WWE stars could be mentioned during their chat. What questions should Austin ask? There are dozens that would be really good. Here are ten questions that would surely lead to some interesting answers from Triple H.
