Anyone who has tuned in to WWE programming over the past few months has likely noticed that Daniel Bryan has been sporting some new merchandise. On his most popular t-shirt, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion bears a striking resemblance to a certain Argentine communist. History buffs will know that the aforementioned communist is of course Che Guevara. Much like Guevara, Bryans goal since starting the Yes! Movement has been to inform the masses and spark change from within. Guevara worked to spread the political ideology of Marxism-Leninism and create a utopian world. Bryan, on the other hand, has been intent on changing the structure of the WWE by allowing fans to have their voices heard. Both figures achieved considerable success. Guevara was instrumental during the Cuban Revolution that saw Fidel Castro and his allies overthrown the government and adopt a system of communism. Bryan took down the Authority and won the WWE Championship at WrestleMania. The two accomplishments may not carry the same weight historically, but you get the point. Unfortunately for Bryan, everything comes to an end eventually. Guevara was captured and executed in Bolivia before achieving all of his goals. Bryan will also fail to accomplish all of his goals, and his run of success will soon come to a conclusion. Here are ten reasons why Daniel Bryan will not make it through SummerSlam as the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.