10 Reasons For Increased Injuries To WWE Superstars

Why are so many wrestlers getting injured these days?

By Matt Davis /

John Cena, Randy Orton, Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, Sting. No, that's not a list of sure-fire future WWE Hall Of Famers, it's actually a sample of just some of the current WWE superstars that have suffered major injuries over the past year, all of whom are still out of action. Professional wrestling is a very physical endeavour and if you didn't know that, I don't know how you stumbled upon this article. As Jim Ross has often said - "It ain't ballet" - and the list of wrestlers currently on the bench is proof of that. But why is it that, especially over the past few years, the number of serious injuries to WWE talents, and professional wrestlers in general, have sky-rocketed to heights never seen before? Is it due to a specific change in WWE's practices? Is it because the athletes today are of a different makeup than those of years past? Or is it just a strange, unfortunate coincidence that keeps repeating itself over and over? The cause of this unfortunate trend isn't found in just one place, but is due to a number of factors. The following article takes a look at 10 of the most likely reasons that major injuries have increased when it comes to the WWE superstars of today.