10 Reasons Why Kevin Owens Should Win WWE US Title

The rematch would be at Full Sail University. You know that'd be so much fun.

By Marcus K. Dowling /

Maybe the largest takeaway from the this past Monday's edition of Raw is that NXT Champion Kevin Owens will be wrestling John Cena for the United States Championship at the Elimination Chamber event on May 31st. The match is the first "champion vs. champion" tilt between WWE's developmental brand and the main roster, but in featuring indy kingpin Owens versus super-established WWE top guy Cena, it's a match filled to the brim with intrigue and excitement. Only one question remains: who wins? There's a belief that Cena's the United States Champion as part of him telling a much longer-term story regarding the high number of upstart talents on the WWE roster. Cena having competitive matches with non-main eventers gives the rub to performers up and down the roster who deserve it, and also provides an excellent moment for the company to refresh itself. However, what if the brash Owens walked into the Elimination Chamber show as the NXT Champion, but left with two championships? WWE's in the midst of some incredibly wild times. The company is certainly in the midst of a massive youth movement and reshuffling of the deck, Owens winning the US Championship possibly serving as a tremendous showcase of this fact. So, does WWE pull the trigger on the 31st? Here's 10 reasons why they should.
