10 Reasons WWE Need To End The Brand Split (Again)

It's time for WWE to bite the bullet and end the second divorce between RAW and SmackDown.

By Jack Robert /

Who hates PPVs every two-to-three weeks? Pretty much all of us, and evidently, WWE does as well, as they announced at the start of the year a mercifully lighter PPV schedule. More time between shows exacerbates an existing problem of the month's dormant brand being stuck in limbo, so the company recently made another big decision: that from Backlash, all shows will become dual-branded.


There are certainly pros and cons to this development. For one thing: it should ostensibly save WWE a ton of money by not having to rent out an arena just for something inconsequential like a Battleground or Payback. In addition, with there being a show every month like the good old days, we won't have to be subjected to stalled feuds or running in circles just to kill time before the next RAW and SmackDown-exclusive show.

However, as many fans have pointed out, the demise of brand-exclusive PPVs spelled the beginning of the end of the original brand split, as the differentiation between the rosters grew softer and softer. That process took around four years, and so we shall make the argument that with this recent development, WWE should just bite the bullet now and end the brand split once again, saving us fans a huge headache.

10. Too Many Dream Feuds Not Being Capitalized On

Do you realize how many dream matches WWE could be giving fans right now? AJ Styles vs. Cesaro, Brock Lesnar vs. Shinsuke Nakamura, Mojo Rawley vs. R-Truth: all one-on-one encounters WWE have been fantasizing about for years now.


The problem with the brand split is that it just unnecessarily stifles these possibilities. Sure, you always have drafts or shakeups that WWE could do at any time, but when you have a guy like AJ Styles who's engrained himself as the face of SmackDown, or Brock Lesnar, a part-timer whom Vince would never put on the B show, you have so many matches that just get harder and harder to materialize.

Removing the wall between RAW and SmackDown would allow WWE a lot more creative freedom in the programs they book, and they wouldn't have to wait until after WrestleMania or whenever a draft is decided to have people finally interact, they can just interact on RAW, SmackDown, or even both shows, and nobody would throw a fuss about it.
